Using Glagoly
How to find the verb you need quickly.
Stress is not always predictable in Russian, so be sure to take careful note of stress patterns when learning a new verb.
Russian verbs often do not correspond to a single English equivalent, so it's important to see examples in context.
You can select verbs to add to a Favorites list for easy access.
You can remove a verb from the Favorites list without deleting it from the app.
Glagoly includes over 5,000 screens of information, but you can find the forms you need in just a few taps.
We welcome your comments and suggestions. If you don't find the verb you need, please send us a note, and we'll try to include it in the next update!
Sometimes it's helpful to review the general rules for how to form a tense or participle.
Nearly all Russian verbs occur in two aspects, imperfective (1) and perfective (2). It's essential to know both aspects of a verb, so Glagoly lists them together, alphabetized by the imperfective (the verb on the left in each pair).
If you're just starting out with Russian and your course has not yet covered perfective verbs, don't worry about them for now. They'll be very important soon enough!